Take 5

Take 5

Since it’s almost March and that means many of you may have given up on your New Year’s Resolutions already, here’s a little reminder to keep them going, and maybe even adding to your “get healthy” goal. No matter if you make it to the gym on a regular basis or not, here’s something that is quick, easy to stick to and can do you a world of good.

Ready for it? Just RELAX.

The kids are terrorizing each other, you’re trying to prepare for an important meeting and you just burned dinner. AH! Deep breath. It’s o.k.

Take 5 minutes for yourself every day, here's how

Call it meditation, stress relief or relaxation – do yourself and your health a favor by taking even just 5 minutes every day to relax. Research tells us a little bit of daily relaxation and stress management can help our health in so many ways such as reducing your risk of stroke, memory retention, avoiding catching cold, helps heart health and much more. Especially during high stress moments, even if it’s just taking a few deep breaths, you’ll feel better.

Take 5 minutes to relax every day, here's how...

How do you like to relax without all the time in the world? We’ve got a few ideas to take a quick five minutes to relax and restore your stress levels to a slightly more normal level.

1. Take 5 slow, deep breaths
2. Do a few sun salutations or just hangout in child’s pose
3. Light a candle, close your eyes and be still
4. Make a cup of tea
5. Take a quick walk around the block (when it’s not a polar vortex out there)
…And, here’s a whole host of other ideas and articles on how to relax and de-stress.

Believe me, we know you’re busy, but we also know you love your smart phone as much as we do. Instead of wasting 5 minutes scrolling through your newsfeed, put it down, take a deep breath and enjoy a little relaxation every day. Your mind and body will thank you.

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