Photo by @marisa05 via Twenty20
‘Tis the season of giving!
At Rebel Green, we make an extra effort to give back to social causes that mean the most to us, not only during the holidays but all year round as well.
It can be tough to decide where to direct your donations to have the greatest impact. We suggest seeking out causes that mean something to you personally, or organizations with values that are in line with your own. Rebel Green believes that “Clean Water, Clean Air, Clean Food Is a Human Right,” so we try to support causes that help provide these things for others who might not otherwise have access to them.
If you’re feeling philanthropic this holiday season, then take a closer look at these causes that we love:

Water.org – Did you know that 1 of 10 people don’t have access to clean water? And 1 of 3 people don’t have access to a toilet. We are proud to support Water.org in its effort to bring safe water and sanitation to millions of people through access to small, affordable loans. We donate proceeds from each Gift Set and Holiday Scented Bundle we sell on RebelGreen.com, so your purchase helps provide safe water for people around the world.
Feeding America – We work with our local grocery partners to provide healthy snacks of fruit and veggies to hungry kids through our “School’s Out Healthy Summer Snack” program. On a national scale, the Feeding America network of food banks uses each $1 donated to secure and distribute 10 meals to people facing hunger.

The Paradigm Project
The Paradigm Project – To offset the carbon generated from our tree free line of bathroom tissue and paper towels made from bamboo, Rebel Green has partnered with The Paradigm Project, a social enterprise focused on combating poverty in East Africa, to fund clean cook stoves for women and families in rural Kenya so they can cook meals more safely.
University of Wisconsin-Mlwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences – As the nation’s only graduate school dedicated solely to the study of freshwater, UWM’s School of Freshwater Sciences goes way beyond the shores of Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes. Students also study urban rivers, storm- and wastewater infrastructure, groundwater and inland lakes, aquaculture and fisheries, human and environmental health, and interdisciplinary solutions to freshwater conflicts.

Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ronald McDonald House Charities – If you’re looking to donate your time or resources besides money, then RMHC is a great place to start. It provides support to the families of children who are in need of serious medical care. You and your family members or coworkers can volunteer as a group to cook and prepare a meal for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. The organization also collects donations of pop tabs, toys and food items to support the cause.
Save the Whales – With a mission to preserve and protect the ocean and its inhabitants, Save the Whales has been focusing on educating the public about marine mammals and the fragile ocean environment since its foundation in 1977. The organization believes children, the future of the planet, need to be empowered and know that their actions can promote change.
World Resources Institute – A highly rated non-profit organization, WRI actively searches for solutions to six global environment challenges: water, forests, climate, energy, food, cities and transport. More than 700 WRI experts and staff members work on active projects in 50+ countries, and there are offices in the United States, China, India, Indonesia and Brazil.

U.S. National Park Service
U.S. National Park Service – Since 1916, the National Park Service has been entrusted with the care of our national parks. With the help of volunteers and partners, the NPS safeguards the parks and helps revitalizing surrounding communities, preserving local history, celebrating local heritage, and creating close-to-home opportunities for kids and families to get outside, be active, and have fun.
National Public Radio – NPR is an incredible resource for staying informed on what is going on in our world, and we are really fortunate to have it. You can’t support clean air, clean water and clean food without knowledge. It’s always on in our cars, during both short drives and interstate sales and manufacturing meetings. NPR relies on public support, and donors are welcome to participate in any way they feel they can contribute financially.
To read about more social causes we love, click here. What organizations and causes do YOU love to support?