The CDC is recommending we still avoid travel this holiday season. What would you say if I told you it’s possible with a few tips and tricks to create a healthy retreat right in your own home? Check out these tips to get away from it all (without going anywhere) from Psychcentral.com and a few from your friends at Rebel Green.
Look to your senses.
Los Angeles-based master coach Jackie Gartman suggested asking yourself these questions to create a sanctuary on your own terms: (Psychcentral.com)
- What scents do you love? This might be anything from the ocean to freshly baked banana bread.
- What sights help you to feel calm? This might be a photo of your loved ones and a bowl of bright navel oranges.
- What do you love to feel? It could be your beloved cat and a soft blanket.
- What sounds help you to feel safe and connected? It might be listening to soothing music or the wind.
- What do you love to taste? This might be anything from your grandmother’s cookies to a juicy grapefruit.
To create a sense-based space, Gartman said, you might play jazz while cooking dinner, spray lavender on your pillows before bed, bake Grandma’s cookies, and put wind chimes on your patio. Rebel Green’s Tip: spritz Rebel Green Fresh Linen Spray in Lavender for instant relaxation when your head hits your pillow.

At the end of the day when you’re done working, exercising. cooking, home schooling and cleaning you’ll want to set up areas to relax in your home that give you that feeling of being away from it all, even when you can’t go anywhere. Here are some more terrific tips from psychcentral.com on how to create atmosphere.
Create a Zen Zone.

Creating a specific spot in your home solely for relaxation helps you cultivate a habit of relaxation, said Andrea Travillian, a life and business coach who helps women transform their lives into the happy successful dreams they crave.
And this space can be anywhere—your spare bedroom, bathroom, walk-in closet, balcony, or screened-in porch, Tewari said. She suggested adding soft blankets, fluffy pillows, holiday lights, and plants or flowers.Travillian has a chair and side table in her bedroom that’s dedicated to journaling, meditating, and drinking her morning coffee.
If your retreat is your bathroom, make your bath or shower into a luxurious experience. Use candles, which “add aromatherapy and a soothing glow to the space,” and put towels in the dryer for a warm, sensory experience, Tewari said. Rebel Green’s tip is to add Rebel Green Super Soft Tree Free Toilet Paper made out of Bamboo. Bonus points for putting a single roll all wrapped up in beautiful packaging so you can remind your family to find other ways to cut their carbon footprint.

- Make a soothing sensory box. According to Tewari, you can use this in your Zen zone or anywhere in your house. She suggested using any storage container to house items that calm and comfort you. “Having all of these items in one place will take away the pressure of finding a way to decompress at the end of the day, when decision fatigue has taken ahold.” Rebel Green’s tip: add a bottle of Lavender Grapefruit Luxe Cream just for you to use
- Focus on lighting. During the day, open up the blinds or curtains to let in natural sunlight. In the early morning and evening, use candlelight to “increase a sanctuary-like atmosphere,” said Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist in Sonoma County, Calif.
- Use special-occasion items. Morrissey stressed the importance of taking out the fine china, cloth napkins, pretty placements, and linen tablecloth. Put on your favorite perfume or silk shirt. Burn the good candle you’ve been saving. “This may seem frivolous, but little joys go a long way,” she said.
- Bring the outdoors in. If you’re able to get outside, Vajgrt suggested gathering rocks, pruning a bush and arranging the clippings in a vase, or growing new plants from existing greenery. What natural objects can you bring into your home that ground you?
- Use your favorite places as inspiration. Reflect on how you can channel the atmospheres of your favorite places into your home. According to Vajgrt, you might reflect on how your favorite café or yoga studio evokes a sense of peace. Maybe the café has comfortable seating and the scent of sweet, strong coffee. Maybe the yoga studio diffuses calm-inducing lavender and has a minimalist esthetic. Rebel Green suggests bringing the calming scent of Lavender Grapefruit into your plant based cleaning routine: Fresh and Clean Hand Soap, Super Deluxe Dish Soap and Sparkling Glass Cleaner kissed with essential oils.
- Contain clutter with baskets and bins. The first week of online school, Travillian’s son had his schoolwork spread across three rooms. Their quick, effective fix was to put everything into one large basket, which now lives under the dining room table. “Now when he is done he packs it up and the mess is gone!”
- Have 5-minute decluttering sessions. “Clearing the clutter from your kitchen, office, or other places you spend a lot of time in will not only make you feel better and freer but more in control of our crummy circumstances,” said Gartman. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, set a timer for 5 minutes every day. For example, toss expired spices or organize your kitchen utensils, she said. Rebel Green suggests freshening up that spice drawer after with our Peppermint Lemon All Purpose Cleaner.
How are you planning for the holidays and new year? Make sure your cleaning routine is one that brings zen and peace of mind. Rebel Green’s plant powered products are free from synthetic fragrances and artificial perfumes. Better for you, better for the planet and better for your family.