Spring is a time for rebirth, reflection, reawakening and regrowth.
As we transition gracefully from one season to another encouraged by warm and sunny weather and longer days, It’s a good time to make Spring Resolutions, says Tim Bono, lecturer in scientific and brain sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. “Maybe we need to disabuse ourselves of the idea that January 1 is the best time to make resolutions,” he says, offering up a new tradition: Spring renewal.” He continues, “It’s the same reason why you don’t plant new seeds in January,” Bono says. “It’s all about aligning the behavior to the environment most likely to promote those behaviors, and be fertile for them to grow and develop.” One reason resolutions don’t stick in January: The weather can be prohibiting. “If your goal is, say, to run five miles a day in Forest Park,” Bono says, “well, there’s going to be cold weather and snow to contend with.” Even people living in warm climates have shorter days to contend with.

The combination of the Spring Equinox, the Full moon and New Moon is a powerful time to sow seeds of intention, plant new ideas and nurture their growth. Providing further inspiration is this season’s celebrations designed to create awareness for climate and social action: Climate Day, Earth Day, Spring Equinox, Arbor Day, International Women’s Day and B Corp Month to name just a few happening this Spring.

“Afterall, Spring is the only revolution who’s revolution has succeeded”- Marianne Van Hirtum (Belgian author connected to the surrealist movement).

A little revolution now and then is a good thing. How we live, what we buy and what we throw away has ripple effects on the world around us. Therefore, Rebel Green is dedicated to wrapping healthy and responsible up in eco-chic packaging you just can’t wait to put in your home. New for 2020, we are hard at work sourcing more sustainable packaging options that are specifically designed to minimize waste and motivate a fundamental shift in thinking about the planet we share. Style has the power to change consumer habits and can help ignite a change to thinking about the products we buy everyday.
The good news is that we are experiencing a cultural shift: consumers are growing more conscious of the environmental impact of their purchasing habits. According to a study by McKinsey, over 70% of customers were willing to pay a so-called ‘green premium’ for a product if it came in eco friendly packaging. BBMG’s Conscious Consumer report discovered that 87% of consumers in the United States saw themselves as more likely to buy from brands committed to environmentally friendly practices. Packaging has become increasingly inseparable from eco-conscious consumer behavior.
With that we introduce to you the newest member of the Rebel Green Family, Rebel Green Reusable and Refillable Glass Bottles. Glass containers can be upcycled and fully recycled, eventually turns to sand and will not harm our oceans. We hope you will endlessly reuse ours. A set of four Rebel Green glass bottles will outfit kitchen and bathroom sinks with our vintage Rebel Green cheeky designs and eco messaging (we’re bringing back our limited edition designs from 2008) so you can reinforce your commitment to sustainability with every wash. Choose Fruit and Veggie, Clean, Fresh and Clean Hand Soap and Super Deluxe Dish Soap. Comes in four packs and also available in single glass bottles.

Bulk and Refill. Our ultimate goal is to help you use less packaging but still take care of your household needs so please consider purchasing bulk whenever you can as an option. 1 Gallon and 5 gallon sizes of Fruit and Veggie Clean are currently available and bulk options for our household cleaners are coming soon.
Stay tuned for Rebel Green Spring Resolutions Part 2 to learn more about our other sustainable packaging goals!